Things that turn my frown upside down (:
A few fun things that cheer me up when I feel down!

Former Member
Amanda's list of fun things for when you are feeling down:
1) Pyjamas- cosy and comfy, they help me to relax!
2) Chocolate- treat yourself :)
3) Kids films- as they are lighthearted and easy to follow, especially.....
4) Minions <3 - watching these cute little yellow characters never fail to cheer me up. Even better when I'm wearing my favourite minion PJ's :D
5) Cuddling a teddy bear- brings me back to my childhood- where everything's okay so long as "Ted" is there.
6) A soothing drink- for me Friji Chocolate or Fudge Brownie Milk
7)Music- something up-beat !!!
8) Disney songs in their own right e.g. "Let it Go" from Frozen, make me smile :)
9) For music, I need my favourite headphones.
10) Youtube- look up funny videos or explore new music and make your own playlist!
11) Art materials- being creative can be a good escape- I love making cards <3
12) Favourite TV programmes- I'm a massive Pretty Little Liars Fan :)
13) Watching "Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway" for a good giggle!
Published on 28-Feb-2016
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