the whole package.
balance is key.

Former Member
IMO it's important to have a holistic approach to life so:
For my Mind:
1 x leather bound journal.
1 x felt tip pen. #Fancy.
1 x inspirational book. I'm thinking a New Earth E. Tolle, or The Road Less Travelled S. Peck.
1 x drawing pad
1 x colouring tools - markers, watercolours?
For my Body:
1 x gym membership
1 x pair of runners
1 x pair of swimmers & goggles
A box of herbal teas
Some dark chocolate, mmm endorphins.
Several packs of chips. I'm thinking Kettle, Corn Chips, and anything spicy, interesting, or cheese & onion. Drool.
One or two Ben & Jerry's tubs.
One in a while: something FRIAAAAD. Fried chicken, fried fish, fried potatoes. Mmm. In moderation of course...
Home made kale chips
Home made popcorn with access to any topping I might like: Sriracha popcorn anyone?
For my Soul:
audiodharma podcasts (Buddhist talks)
Music to the tone of: Tep No, Adele, Alessia Cara, Allan Rayman.
Several Chill Out sessions with my family and or friends.
An old school toy camera with film.
Unlimited access to nights in with movies, anime, or TV.
A ticket for adventure - taking yourself out to some place random, drinking in the scenery with any or all the above in my backpack. Friends can't fit so they can walk next to me.
Keys or access to a car for a road trip somewhere with a Maccas stop. Mmm Double Quarter Pounder, Chips, & a Coke.
Deep and Meaningfuls with someone I trust. And a pillow or two.
Maybe a scented candle or three. And a fire extinguisher just in case.
Published on 25-Feb-2016
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