The little food!
They say an image can be a universal translation of emotion and I believe it.

Food and friends
Former Member
I think one of the things I value is both food and good company. Both are an expression of overcoming a number of hurdles which has now led to thinking about these aspects positively.
I've always had a tenuous relationship with food, either wanting to over indulge or depriving myself all stemming from strong emotion. I'm now at the point where I see food positively, I don't feel I need to restrict myself and it is not a reflection on my self control. I also know I shouldn't seek comfort in it if it means I am going to stick my head in the sand.
The other aspect is friends. I found myself unwittingly socially isolating myself from my friends and people in general, being overwhelmed by anxiety. But slowly I've worked through that and with fantastic supportive friends I am able to enjoy public company and food positively.
Published on 21-Mar-2016
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