The Mix / Submissions
Here you can find all of the amazing submissions we’ve received on Your Voices.
Your Voices
It's not always great
My coming out story is a warning, and I hope no one makes the mistakes I did. Read More
Your Voices
The legal high called alcohol
The phrase "alcohol and drugs" is a false distinction. It makes no more sense than "apples and fruits", "football and sports" etc. This is my story about how this "legal high" nearly destroyed my life. Read More
Your Voices
Be a fighter - put down the lighter!
Smoking is addictive and though there are many side effects, people still do it to help them relax. It was a huge challenge for my dad to quit smoking but I couldn't be happier that… Read More
Discussion Boards
Something on your mind? Want to share a problem? Or just hang out? Our discussion boards are the place to be.