The Mix’s Back To School Checklist

It’s that time of year, again. You’re probably wondering how it came around so fast, or why schools in the UK don’t extend the summer holidays to 8 long months and a trip to the Bahamas. Nevertheless, school’s starting soon and The Mix have got all the essentials to make sure you slay when it comes back around.

A mix of essential stationary items.

Every school is different, just like every person! But if you’re wondering what you need to equip yourself with, here are a few non-negotiables…

The Essentials


One of the greatest mysteries in life continues to be ‘Where’s my pen?’. Don’t worry, it’s not just a school thing either. You’ll never know when you need one, or where it will go missing, so it’s best to stock up.

Top tip: It’s cheaper to buy in bulk, so consider buying a bunch and placing a pen in various places – your pencil case, bag, desk, drawers.


Like coffee and croissants, pen and paper are inseparable. Unless you plan on writing essays on your friend’s forehead, it’s time to buy a notepad, journal, or even just paper.

Top tip: Consider buying different sized notepads. An A4 notepad is great for sketching and jotting down big ideas or mind maps, whereas a smaller notepad is more mobile and immediate.


Life is chaotic. Sometimes it’s beautiful, sometimes not so beautiful. One of the best ways to take back control is a planner. By having a place to keep check of your upcoming classes, deadlines, and, of course, all the fun stuff you have to look forward to, you’ll be able to take school one day at a time.

Top tip: A planner doesn’t have to be physical. There are many apps out there that allow you to plan your life and studies, even using the basic calendar app will do!

School specifics

After you’ve ticked off the general essentials, it’s best to check if your school has required anything extra. Some schools require a laptop or a USB drive, others might require specific stationary. Your school should highlight what you need and it’s best to hear it from them before you blow your hard-earned money on things you don’t.

Top tip: If you’re struggling to afford all of your equipment, that’s OK – a lot of people are right now. Don’t be ashamed to tell your school. If they’re nice people then they should work out a way to make it more affordable.

Inside out

So that’s the basic tools sorted, but what about you?

How are you feeling? Are you feeling ready to tackle another school year? It’s OK to say no, you know?

Take some time to check in with yourself and the emotions you’re feeling in the run up to another chapter. If you’re feeling anxious then just remember that’s completely normal and there’s lots of support out there to help with these feelings.

Have you heard of The Mix? We offer support groups, a community of young people, 1-2-1 counselling and tons of resources to get you back to feeling like yourself and ready to embrace your next level of studies.

Alternatively, speak to close friends and see how they’re doing. The chances are that they might be feeling the same as you. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Acknowledge your emotions. Accept them. Ask yourself why you might be feeling like this. From there, you can begin to work out a strategy to help you mentally prepare for the upcoming year.

Maybe you’re already feeling the pressure of exams? If so, use your planner to map out when you need to revise and, most importantly, switch off. Perhaps you’re anxious about your classmates, or meeting new people? Remind yourself that many others are in the same boat and there’s no rush to make new friends or even reconnect with old ones if they don’t make you feel good.

Whatever it is, just remember – you got this!

One week to go

The day is looming and, after a great summer, you can feel reality settling in. But it’s not all doom and gloom.

Start school with your best foot forward by following these simple tips:

  • Priority #1: The amount of sleep you have, and when you have it, will impact everything. EVERYTHING. Get used to a regular pattern, stick to it, then reap the benefits of good energy, focus, calm and happiness.
  • Priority #2. Just like sleep, the food we eat plays a crucial role in how we feel and think. It’s OK to have a binge once in a while, or treat yourself to those chocolates. Life is all about balance, and eating healthier foods will have a huge impact on how you feel about school and help you manage any worries that might pop up.
  • Prioritise YOU: School is important but it isn’t your life. Make sure you’re spending time on the things that bring you extra joy, and make sure you keep them going when school life comes back around.

Remember, a back-to-school checklist will be tailored to your specific needs, so the best checklist is your own. Nevertheless, most of the time we forget the things that matter – and that’s ourselves. By including your wellbeing in your back-to-school checklist, you’re in the best position to tackle anything that school life throws at you…even if it’s a missing pen.

Next Steps


Updated on 09-Sep-2024

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