Alice Lucas, overcame agoraphobia by volunteering

Françoise Facella
Communications & Events

I’m Alice, I’m 24 and a Customer Assistant from Nottingham. I’m a psychology graduate and would love to be a child and adolescent counsellor, that’s how I found The Mix.

Looking for local volunteering opportunities, I found that I could join the team as a remote volunteer.

“I could help people across the UK while sat in my PJs with a cup of tea. Perfect.”

I’ve been with The Mix since April 2015 and I’ve loved every minute. The team and volunteers are always really helpful and friendly, which made it feel like I was part of the family even though I was miles away.

Being a Digital Connector, I get to chat to hundreds of young people online and find out how I can help them with any problem they might have. The Mix is like nothing else out there at the moment. Young people seem to really like having the webchat option that we provide and there really isn’t a limit on what we can help with. From finding a job to mental health.

“Hearing that I’ve really helped, or anytime I’m thanked by a young person, is always so rewarding.”

Working with The Mix has really helped with my confidence and has made me realise that helping people is my calling in life. When I started I was suffering with severe agoraphobia, speaking to others in similar situations and helping them on their journey encouraged me to go out and do the same.


Published on 21-Feb-2017