Coping with suicidal thoughts
If you’re wondering how to stop suicidal thoughts, there is always professional help available, both in the short and long term. If you’ve reached a crisis point, it’s always better to get help. Here, The Mix will show you how to handle suicidal thoughts.

Suicidal thoughts can be terrifying and very isolating, with a feeling like there’s no way out. You might feel like you’re the only person who feels the way that you do, but suicidal thoughts are sadly very common. The important thing to realise is that you’re not alone and that immediate help is available. If you feel you need to talk to someone right away, you can always speak to our team. We also have a 24 hour crisis messenger service.
Jump to:
- Emergency help with suicidal thoughts
- How to stop suicidal thoughts
- Steps for overcoming suicidal feelings
- Talking to your GP about suicide
- Helping a friend with suicidal tendencies
I feel suicidal, what can I do?
If you feel like you might want to kill yourself, it’s important to seek help as soon as you can. There are free helplines that you can talk to about how to stop suicidal feelings or cope with them – and they’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
- The Mix – phone 0808 808 4994
- Samaritans – phone 116 123
- Supportline – phone 01708 765200
Sometimes, simply talking to a friend or a family member about it can help the feeling to pass. But you may feel too overwhelmed, beyond help or even too angry at everyone around you to want to open up to them, which can lead to you feeling even worse.
If this is the case, then it is best to get in touch with one of the support lines above. They’ll be able to give you completely impartial advice, and anything you say to them will be completely confidential.
Emergency help with suicidal thoughts
If your suicidal feelings are becoming too much and you think you might actually harm yourself, you should go to the A&E department of your local hospital. They’ll be able to keep you safe, and will help you to find the support that you’ll need once you’re discharged from hospital.
You needn’t worry that you’ll be judged – the hospital staff who tend to you have likely dealt with a similar situation before. Read more about going to A&E for self harm here.
How to stop suicidal thoughts
Experiencing suicidal thoughts can be pretty distressing, especially if you want them to stop but you’re not sure how to. If you don’t think you’re at risk of harming yourself and simply want to find ways to control your thoughts there’s plenty of help available. You could look into different types of therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). We also offer free counselling here at The Mix. You can speak to The Mix for guidance on getting long-term support with suicidal impulses, or connect with one of the helplines provided above.
Why do I feel suicidal?
Many people experiencing suicidal thoughts will feel like they know why they’re experiencing these thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, however, suicidal ideation can occur with no obvious cause.
This is one of the many reasons it’s so important to try and reach out to someone you trust when you feel this way. By talking things through, you might be able to identify what’s causing these thought patterns, and then take steps to address those factors.
Sometimes, suicidal thoughts can be caused or made worse by drugs, even including stuff like antidepressants. SSRIs, for example, help millions of people dealing with depression, but can also be associated with certain side effects. Speak with your GP if you think this might apply to you.
Steps for overcoming suicidal feelings
There are some ways that you can safeguard yourself against your feelings to make sure that you don’t harm yourself impulsively in the heat of the moment.
Whilst they aren’t quite as important as seeking help and trying to identify how to stop your suicidal thoughts altogether, they can reduce risk factors when things are getting on top of you:
- Try to stay safe by agreeing with yourself that you won’t act impulsively: Whether it’s 24 hours or a week, it will help you to not act rashly. Samaritans can help you create a ‘safety plan’ to navigate negative thoughts and thoughts of suicide.
- Avoid drugs and alcohol: While they might feel like a good idea at the time, they can make you feel infinitely worse.
- Remove items from your home that you might use to hurt yourself: For example, pills, knives, razors etc.
- Tell someone how you feel: Whether it’s a trusted friend or a family member, they can keep an eye on you to check you’re not in danger.
Read our guide to coping with suicidal thoughts
Talking to your GP about suicide
You might feel like nobody will be able to help you, but that’s never the case. GPs have vast experience in helping people who feel exactly the way that you do right now – and they might even be able to tell you why you’re feeling this way.
For example, they’ll be able to tell you whether it’s likely that you’re suffering from conditions such as anxiety and depression. Both of these are very common mental health issues that can be addressed with either:
- Medication – antidepressants can help suppress the chemicals in your body which are leading to your suicidal thoughts.
- Therapy – talking to a psychologist might help you pin down what exactly is making you feel that you want to kill yourself, and how to overcome it.
As soon as you feel able, try to book an appointment with your GP. As with hospital staff, they won’t judge you – you can even take a friend or family member with you if you think you’ll feel more comfortable.
Helping a friend with suicidal tendencies
Having a friend tell you that they’re thinking of killing themselves can be very scary. Or, you might just think that they’re being silly and won’t actually do it. It’s important not to laugh at them, tell them to stop being stupid or to get over it.
Listen to them talk about how they’re feeling and stay calm – if you think they might actually harm themselves, then try to get professional help. Offering to go with them to the doctor can sometimes help enable them to get help from someone better equipped than you are.
Don’t suffer alone, whether you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or you’re trying to help someone you know. Here’s a reminder of some places you can find support:
- Our Crisis Messenger provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258
- SANE offers support and information to people affected by mental illness. Call their helpline on 0300 304 7000, open 4:30pm – 10:30pm every day.
- Anyone can contact the Samaritans on their 24-hour helpline to talk things through. 116 123. They also provide support groups for people bereaved by suicide.
- PAPYRUS UK is a charity for the prevention of young suicide (under 35) in the UK. Call them on 0800 068 4141.
Next Steps
- Anyone can contact the Samaritans on their 24-hour helpline to talk things through. 116 123
- Chat about this subject on our Discussion Boards.
By Toni
Updated on 10-Mar-2023
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