Morning glory
Not a morning person? Well, that’ll change after you’ve met this plant. Morning glory is a legal high that causes strong trips. It can make your mornings, well, glorious (not that we recommend doing drugs in the morning, it was more for the bit than anything else) . That glory can even stretch out into the evening, but it can also come with some shame the morning after. Turns out, plants can be pretty wild when you dig them up . Read on to find out more.

What is morning glory?
Morning glory is part of the Ipomoea violacea, a flowering vine plant grown in tropical climates. The plant has heart-shaped leaves and large, trumpet-shaped flowers. But the real stars are the small black seeds a.k.a morning glory seeds that contain LSA (lysergic acid amide), which is similar to LSD.
People usually eat the morning glory seeds to induce hallucinations, although they have a slightly milder effect than Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. Morning glory flower cuttings are then used in the process of growing morning glories all over again.
Effects of the morning glory plant
Morning glory vines can make you feel out of this world, but how exactly? Well, they produce:
- Hallucinations, with similar effects to LSD, but with less intense visuals.
- A feeling of insight into the world, with intense interest in minor things you would normally ignore.
- Uncontrollable giggling or laughter.
- A trip that usually lasts between six to eight hours.
- A deep and refreshing night’s sleep.
What are the risks?
Unfortunately, as high as the high gets is as low as the low goes. Here’s what you can expect:
- A common side effect is nausea, stomach cramps or vomiting.
- Trips are unpredictable, and users can experience paranoia, panic, and anxiety.
- Sensitivity to the seeds varies from person to person, and just a small amount can induce a very severe reaction.
- The seeds can produce intense dizziness and confusion which can be upsetting.
Morning glory plant and the law:
Buying or selling the seeds is legal in the UK. It’s a ‘legal high’. Pretty anticlimactic right? Well, if you wanna know about the hard stuff, read our article on Drugs and the Law.
Slang names
If you’re out on the streets, people aren’t just gonna say what they have on them. You need to get privy to the lingo.
Morning Glory is more commonly referred to as: MG seeds, tlililtzin, Aztec seeds, badoh negro, piule, heavenly blue, flying saucers.
If you are planning on taking morning glory seeds:
- Take them in an environment where you feel safe to reduce the risk of a frightening trip.
- Avoid taking them if you are going through a rough patch with your mental health, as psychedelics can trigger more difficulty.
- Keep a sober friend with you who can calm you down if the trip gets too much, or stop you from hurting yourself; If you’re that sober friend, we recommend reading this article to be prepared in case anything goes wrong.
- It’s important to note that these seeds can cause miscarriage, so don’t take them if you are pregnant.
- Do not take MG seeds if you are on antidepressants containing MAOIs as it is potentially dangerous to mix the two. To find out more about mixing drugs, click here.
Next Steps
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By Nishika Melwani
Updated on 02-Sep-2021
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