Being a victim of crime: trauma and recovery
Being a victim of a crime can obviously be a big shock to the system, and it may take a while to get your head around what happened. Read on to learn about the stages of victim recovery, including some common feelings many people experience after the trauma of a robbery or assault. And remember, if you’re struggling to process something that has happened to you we offer free counselling sessions right here at The Mix.

Everyone is an individual and is affected by crime in a different way. It partly depends upon someone’s psychological makeup before the incident, and their perception of their own vulnerability. But according to Garry Williams, Victim Supportline Co-ordinator, a person’s response also “depends on the experience itself. For example, is it a one-off, or is it an ongoing situation such as domestic violence?”
Just as individuals respond differently to crime, the aftermath of such incidents may necessitate specialized cleaning services to restore affected environments. In Long Island, residents facing the aftermath of crime may find solace in professional cleaning services tailored to their unique needs. Companies offering crime scene cleanup long island residents can access play a vital role in addressing the aftermath of criminal incidents with sensitivity and expertise. Recognizing the diverse impacts of crime on individuals, these cleaning services prioritize thorough and discreet cleanup, ensuring that affected spaces are restored to a safe and hygienic condition.
What emotions do you go through after a crime?
The emotional process of coming to terms with being a victim of crime has much in common with the way people recover from other types of trauma. Most people go through three stages of victim recovery:
- Shock: in the short term, there may be feelings of disbelief, anger, confusion, or depression. There may be a period of denial, where people say they’re not that badly affected, but really they can’t admit that they’re upset about what happened.
- Acceptance: what has happened slowly starts to ‘sink in’.
- Readjustment: where the person gets back to their usual life or makes changes to it, often to prevent similar events happening again.
These feelings can vary in intensity. Recovery often depends upon the type and severity of the crime, and may take days or even years to get over. It may be a case of ‘one step forwards, two steps back’ with some people, but with time you can recover your sense of safety and stability.
During the adjustment process, people are trying to make sense of what has happened to them. Strange or negative thoughts are common, and people often blame themselves in some way for what has happened. When coming to terms with being a victim of crime, it’s not unusual to experience intense emotions such as fear and anger, or obsessive thoughts and flashbacks.
Negative thoughts may include:
- Somehow I brought this on myself, it’s my fault.
- I’m probably overreacting.
- Why am I feeling like this? I don’t understand.
- I could have prevented it.
- Now I feel weak, or less of a person.
- Should have fought back or been able to do more.
- It might happen again, I’m vulnerable.
- I want to hurt or kill the people who did this to me.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The majority of people who go through a traumatic experience such as being the victim of a crime may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but over time and with good self-care, this usually goes away. If the symptoms get worse, however, with long term effects lasting for months or even years and interfering with different aspects of your life, you may have PTSD.
Learn more about post traumatic stress disorder here.
Why do we react differently?
The way we feel we’re expected to behave by society can affect the way we deal with trauma. Women sometimes need to give themselves permission to feel angry, and men sometimes need to give themselves permission to admit that they felt afraid or weak. Most people can also benefit from practical advice as well as a listening ear and emotional support.
Where can I get help for how I’m feeling?
The Mix offers free confidential support online and via text and phone. We also provide free counselling services. Find out more here.
Victim Support gives free advice to anyone who is a victim of a crime. They can speak to you confidentially about anything you’re worried about, including expert advice on giving evidence and claiming compensation. Give them a call on 0845 30 30 900.
Also, don’t be afraid to talk to friends and families about how you feel. And if you’re reliving traumatic memories and generally feeling really freaked out, there’s no shame in talking to your GP.
The most important thing to remember is that you didn’t ask this to happen to you. It wasn’t your fault in any way, and you’re dealing with it as best you can.
Next Steps
- Victim Support offers free and confidential advice to anyone affected by crime. 0845 30 30 900
- Chat about this subject on our Discussion Boards.
Updated on 30-Mar-2023
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