What is recovery?
We hear the word ‘recovery’ a lot when we hear about someone’s journey to overcome addiction. It might even be your journey. But what does it really mean? The Mix teamed up with the Amy Winehouse Foundation to figure it all out…

This article was written in collaboration with volunteers from the Amy Winehouse Foundation who have lived experience of addiction and we’re incredibly grateful to them for sharing their unique and personal experiences around recovery. For more information about the charity, scroll down to the bottom of this article.
What is recovery?
Recovery can mean different things for different people and it’s important to remember that there’s no one definition. Your idea of recovery might look completely different to your mate’s, and that’s OK. Here’s what the volunteers from AWF had to say…
“Recovery is about the way I stop using drugs and alcohol, how I stay stopped, and how it allows me to live my life free from the misery, terror, and pain of addiction”
“Recovery by definition is a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. Recovery from addiction follows the same principle. It is the gradual repair and restoration of the spirit and body”
“Recovery has allowed me the opportunity to be present in my life. I have gained the ability to sit with myself without the need to use drugs/alcohol to numb the pain. I have been able to learn who I truly am and face my demons head-on”
Where does recovery begin?
“Recovery begins with yourself and yourself only. Only when you are fully ready to commit to a change in the way you live can you start the journey of clean living”
“Recovery began for me when I was willing to change my life and my behaviours. I kept doing the same thing and expected a different result. I had to be courageous enough to ask for the help I needed and get support on my recovery journey”
“By admitting to myself that my way of drinking and using drugs doesn’t work, that I can’t control when I start or when I stop, that drugs and alcohol have beaten me. I realise I can’t do this by myself, that I need help, and then I seek it”
What are the main steps towards recovery?
“The main steps toward recovery are being willing , committing to unity, and taking up service/helping others. It is crucial to be honest and transparent”
“The first step is recognizing there is an issue you want to address/change. The second step is asking for help and support. The final step which for me was the hardest was being willing to accept help and change the way I was living”
“I initially admitted I had a drug problem and sought help through Turning Point, a free drug and alcohol support service. A few years later I eventually had enough of staring death in the face and admitted complete defeat to drugs and alcohol and attended a Cocaine Anonymous meeting, a 12-step fellowship, where I discovered I wasn’t alone and that living life free of drugs and alcohol was possible. I found a sponsor to take me through the 12-steps, and I became willing to go to any length for my recovery.”
Is recovery successful?
“Yes, recovery is successful. We can recover. It takes hard work and determination but I believe everyone can heal to some level. Recovery has given me a life I never could dreamed of, I will be eternally grateful for the support I have received”
“Recovery is always successful to those who work the programme to its full potential. Just like anything – you get out what you put in. Committing fully to recovery and its principles will always yield positive change”
“Recovery has removed my obsession to drink and use drugs, and given me the tools to live my life without drinking and using drugs no matter how I’m feeling or what life throws at me. Recovery has shown me and continues to show me a way to live – it’s saved my life”
Where do I start?
If you or someone you care about is concerned about their use of drugs or alcohol, there is help out there.
The Amy Winehouse Foundation is a registered charity (www.amywinehousefoundation.org) dedicated to raising awareness around substance use, addiction and supporting young people towards a bright and fulfilling future. Their incredible team support and educate 1000’s of young people – providing resources and help related to addiction, mental health and making informed life choices.
To find out more about addiction, and how to spot the signs, take a look at our other articles:
The Mix offer 1-2-1 counselling for under 25’s and provide a safe, empowering community for young people to connect, support and thrive with each other.
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Updated on 14-Jan-2025
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